Ol Pul, Maasailand

Young Maasai warriors conduct the ceremony known as 'ol pul' in an area east of the Serengeti in northern Tanzania. Here in the southern plains of Loliondo, the Gol Mountains stretch out towards the calving grounds of the wildebeest migration; the herds are plentiful in this area at this time of year. The Maasai roam freely here in this community land, cattle and wildlife often seen together. Because of this, the cattle are herded into thorn hedge bomas at night, to protect them from ever-present lion and other eager predators.

At an 'ol pul' an animal (in this case a goat) is slaughtered and the blood - still warm - is mixed with milk and then drunk; the meat is cooked over an open fire close by. An ol pul ceremony can last all day and is a cause for great celebration.


IRIN - South Sudan